Private Yoga Therapy


What is Yoga Therapy?

“Yoga Therapy is the professional application of the principles and practices of yoga to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship that includes personalized assessment, goal setting, lifestyle management, and yoga practices for individuals.” ~

Yoga Therapy is the specific application of yogic tools, postures, breathwork, and meditation techniques which addresses your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs.

What does Yoga Therapy Help with?

Yoga Therapy is used to help with Stress, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Schizophrenia, ADHD, Eating Disorders, Addiction, Post-Natal depression, back pain, diabetes, muscular skeletal problems, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s, Asthma, COPD, Cancer, HIV, Alzheimer’s, Brain injuries, MS, Autoimmune Disease, IBS, Obesity, and heart disease, Insomnia, Arthritis, osteoporosis and more.

Why Yoga Therapy?

  • Yoga Therapy is geared towards our individual needs as opposed to a group yoga class. Each individual has different needs.

  • Yoga provides us with a toolkit to help support regulation and resilience of the mind and body. Yoga therapy is the use of these tools by a trained Yoga Therapist.

  • Yoga Therapy can help reveal the root cause of our stress, suffering, pain, disease or illness.

  • Yoga Therapy provides tools for healthy individuals, helping us to reach our highest potential

  • Yoga Therapy complements physical therapy, occupational therapy, massage therapy, psychotherapy and more.

  • Yoga Therapy is very different than a yoga class. All yoga can be beneficial, but Yoga Therapists have in depth training to access and keep clients safe.

What to Expect

Yoga Therapy Sessions are 60 minutes in length. At least six sessions (1-hour session/week) are recommended. Our sessions will take place via zoom. Once booking and scheduling sessions, you will be emailed a link to log onto for our session. Click the link a few minutes prior to our session time. Any session may consist of personalized assessment, goal setting, lifestyle management, yogic tools, postures, breathwork, and/or meditation techniques. Each session will vary for each individual. I will meet you where you are in the moment, and work with you to address your specific goals while considering any limitations.

For more information on yoga therapy research visit